The Buck We Called "Stand Up"
November 3, 2022
The day started like any other day. I grabbed my phone and checked the
trail cameras to see what moved the evening before and throughout the
night. While looking through pictures, I realized that the deer we called
Stand Up had passed by a camera close to the blind the evening before.
Now this being the second evening he had done this, I had a pretty good
idea that he could repeat himself again, but this time, I was going to be
ready. When I got off work I rushed home and got everything ready to head
into the woods. The tricky part was going to be getting in the blind because
in order for it to all come together, he would have to cross my path. Before I
left the truck, I sprayed down with Scent Assassin Natural Earth. I got all
set up in the blind and it wasn’t long at all before I had several doe come in
and leave, never picking up on ground scent. Around 6:30 pm, I hear a
grunt out to the left, and just like the last two evenings here comes Stand
Up. He comes into 25 yards. I drew back, settled in, and the shot broke.
Just like that, my season had came to an end and the chase for Stand Up
reached completion. Couldn’t have done it with out the help of fellow
staffers Cody Pennington and Kyle Goodrich. Thanks guys!